Started by OZER, Dec 21, 2021, 10:21 PM

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Does anyone know of any very rich economists?  True experts would be among the 1% and not on government pay.

I don't like this, everytime the government put its nose in something it always because more pricey and complicated.

Getting fuel prices back down would help tremendously to lower inflation on goods that are trucked around the country. Dealing with port congestion would also have a tremendous impact. The biggest cause of inflation, however, is the fact that the Fed added 35.7% to the USA money supply in just a year and a half. When you dilute the dollar by that much how can you NOT have inflation? That was a huge gift to Wall Street investors, of course, including our politicians in both parties. (Just look at the growth in the S&P 500 since that money printing started.) But for everyone else it means that their wages and their savings now have less buying power. Our government no longer represents we the people - neither party. Instead they represent the billionaires and corporations who fund their campaigns. This includes the wolves in sheep's clothing who feign outrage against the corporations and the rich. All you have to do is follow the money.

I don't think the government wants to stop inflation, they want it to increase to diminish the burden of the debt.

he year 2020 when FED printed about 30% of the money supply of 2019 and now it is floating into the economy. This inflation is the price for saving of US economy in 2020 and a couple years of higher inflation is definitively better than another economic crisis.    The problem for FED is that they can not solve it, because the problem is not caused by something they are doing now, but something they did a year ago.

socialist has worked out for them. Keep voting for the democrat party and we will all enjoy the equality of poverty.socialist economic policies always fail,and only lead to the collapse of a nations economy. Just ask the people of Venezuela how voting for liberalsWhy are people surprised inflation is rising? History has proven time and time again that liberal

Inflation will be transitory. I heard a similar story about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq