BBC Bitcoin mining report used in crypto-scam

Started by OZER, Dec 20, 2021, 12:56 AM

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LOL when I hear the 2 % preferred rule... Have they ever done a good job of keeping that the average rate.. LOL! I think the average rate has been more closer to like 3 or 4% over the last 40 years, let me know if Im wrong. I like learning more than I like being right by a lot.

The  is a bit misleading...  1. They were looking at price change rather than volatility (ie. Variances in price change over time). Whenever there are more participants in a market exchange, prices will fluctuates.  It just means more capital shifted into the market.  2. Cryptocurrency, Tesla, GME and AMC, etc had something much more... it was a way for the little guys (ie. Retail investors) to give the middle finger to the institutional investors and big banks. And it worked. Lol. It was about democractic shift even worrying the Governments...  3. Every new asset class in the  are from emerging markets.  Tesla is leading the EV industry. Bitcoin is leading the Crypto industry. Low fee stock ownership are leading the way for retail investors...

Out of all the crypto currencies out there, Stellar XLM was chosen. Pay attention, they will play a huge part in the future of finance in not only the US but globally!

 current topics are blockchain, artificial intelligence or quantum computer, we have people who lead us and who hardly use a webcam or a common microphone. the future looks good. by the way, let's take a look at the dialogue that all the participants in the meeting had and this Sherman, oh God, the least informed but the worst attitude.

if the mask is below the nose .. it does nothing,,

Shocks are all about future I think. If you wait until the company is earning a fair amount of moeny or mature, there won't be a fair price either. So some companies that is not earning very much now or even with minus earning could seem very expensive. But that doesn't mean it's in a bubble.  You take your bet or prediction about company's furture and you earn or loss. Not some value finding which is nearly impossible i think because i think the market is kind of effictive so why should you find something that is highly undervalued?

Inflation is the keystone of your system. If you promise not to invade our country, we'll switch to gold

EV's, Biotech Spacs, cryptos and anything Meta is probably in a bubble territory. It'd be interesting to see another speculation driven bubble pop like the .dom bubble. The internet is still around but not how people speculated it to be in the late 90's and got burnt.

Also, i cant wait until congress finds out that if you type the wrong address when transferring wallets, you lose all your money. Lol. Clearly will be forced to be fixed.

At least we dont have a racist Russian kgb spy in the White House am I right?

Houses have double in price in two years practically. Thats hyper-inflation. Plus how is housing only 31% of CPI when it accounts for more than half our paycheck.

That what happens when you print 2 trillion $ out of thin air.

Bitcoin isnt a bubble but an emerging market. Do you want internet to continue do you want digital Centralised finance from Government or do you want the Peoples Decentralised money wealth BITCOIN!!! THE Peoples wealth