Forex Today: Central banks’ marathon coming to an end

Started by OZER, Dec 20, 2021, 12:45 AM

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Oil stocks aren't overpriced imo, still relatively low. But will probably also go down if a substantial correction occurs.

THE TRAIN CANNOT BE STOPPED. you can throw band aids at cancer patients it doesn't do anything.  Get ready for the reset.

watch?v=3-dvi1f_2vA&t=386s&ab_channel= - There will be no inflation in the future  2020www..comhttps:

When the government tells you to stay calm and not panic, it is time to realize disaster is at hand.

I hope everything crashes and burns so i can start buying out.

hour. That helps no one, except the rich, of course.It doesnt matter if unemployment is at zero if the majority of people are making $7

The more I watch these short s I get this notion there pushing a narrative to make people just do as they want. Instead we must think outside of the box as too avoid group think

Nobody can save US inflation except China which US government knew it but does not want to admit it for face saving reason..American have to thanks US "smartest" President Donald Trump for starting the trade war with China which was the root of the inflation...

If they increase rate to 2 percent, the government will not be able to pay for what it already owes. Which means an accelerated borrowing.  Debt trap? Maybe, waiting on some voodoo magic from the feds. In the meantime, I will be buy the hardest asset on the . #Bitcoin

5:50 This guy has no clue about Bitcoin, period. It is ok, but they need to read more about it before sharing opinions in this manner. Btw, I do not think Bitcoin is the best asset. Nevertheless saying Bitcoin does not have fundamuntal value is incorrect.