Instagram accounts created with stolen pics push fraudulent crypto schemes

Started by OZER, Dec 14, 2021, 11:50 PM

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They want the crash. Want disempowers people. 2% is ideal? How stupid. Retire the idea of short transitions? Listen to how disempowering he sounds, and wants to leverage? The Fed DOESN"T WANT STABILITY! WAKE UP! It was created in 1913 with concealment of what the objective was. How did that even stick? Don't you get it's a cartel? If you want stable economies, use a stable currency. buxxb ...

Of course it can but why would it this benefits the wealthy and keeps the working class dependent on the government.

Are these people for real. Markets price the future I would have lost tonnes of gains of i had listened to these smartasses thank God i held on to my ether.

Inflation is devaluation of the currency, which, because of massive debt and the continual printing of dollars, I believe will continue until we have an economic collapse.

The US Federal Reserve on stopping inflation: "Wish I could, but I can't. Well, can, but won't. Should, maybe, but shorn't... What part of shorn't don't you understand??"

Tesla is not in a bubble. IMO it's undervalued but  has an agenda against Tesla since they're paid by the ICE industry.

American President Andrew Jackson did away with the federal reserve in the mid 1800s because it in debts society and warned future generations(US) about such an instution. Modern money merchanise can only create money out of debt, in other words inflation is additional tax on the citizens. Federal Reserves in fact are privately ownered banks that borrow the government money at interest.