Forex reserves fall $4.5 billion in two weeks

Started by OZER, Dec 12, 2021, 04:34 PM

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GME reached $ 483 not 347, why you can't make a  or a news not even once without getting something wrong

If gas jumped 50% and cars jumped 25% then no way inflation is at 6%...

transitory means it wouldn't stay 3% it will move to 5% then to 8%.  This is HOW the Fed talks. Just look at how subprime develops...they were watching it all happen with their eyes closed.

watch?v=3-dvi1f_2vA&t=386s&ab_channel= - There will be no inflation in the future  2020www..comhttps:

Criminal activities XD. Define criminal activities Mr monopoly of violence.

Bitcoin is good and it's the future in few years people will be kicking thereself for missing out.

Also, i cant wait until congress finds out that if you type the wrong address when transferring wallets, you lose all your money. Lol. Clearly will be forced to be fixed.

you can stop inflation. then you will fall into stagflation trap. finally the us economy will totally collapse. just matter of time. the death knell is ringing. today's japan is your tomorrow. lying down and accept your fate.