The biggest rally in the US dollar since 2020

Started by OZER, Sep 14, 2022, 04:17 PM

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You guys understand finance but certainly not psychology

Got out on time... how#39s that for luck.... Started having doubts once his tweets and replies became rather nasty.

Don't worry guys, they said it's transitory... also the Vax is perfectly safe.

* Revenue Up 195 % in 1st qt 2022. * ALPP... Alpine 4 Holdings. 11 Subsidiaries. U.S. Manuf. Drones, EV Parts, Electronics, New Superior tech RCA Commercial Graphene batteries. 64 Institutional Investors. Record Backlog.

Can this stupid billionaire bad boy just go retire or resign as CEO

Inflation cannot be stopped unless the Dollar goes back to the gold standard or some other form of backing by real value asset and capped currency supply.   JFK was killed for trying to do just that.

Damn all those old people will never try to understand crypto. Need to pass term limits to keep old people out and fresh minds in.

Well lets check out the corporate slant on inflation

the government needs to step in and STOP THE CRYPTO MADNESS!!! a lot of hard working people innocent investors are buying these cheap cryptos that anyone can create these days and they are losing money.

I sold my Luna a month before the crash , Ukraine war made me shift my assets into more stable assets like Bitcoin, used, and s and p 500 stock and several commodity companies

Certainly not Bitcoin. Try house prices.

I glad to see that Dan is a Mets Fan #LGM