Top Wall Street analysts are bullish on these stocks heading into the end of the

Started by OZER, Dec 12, 2021, 04:21 PM

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ah yes another possible major financial crissis,what a time to be alive

If we were mostly renewable energy driven and sustainable goods sources and made in america we wouldnt have these issues and if we did, we would be able to react as a people and not be on china or saudi arabias chess board.

Tesla may be a bubble what a joke Tesla and Elon Musk are on a whole other level. Tesla is the biggest robotic company in the world. The solar, dojo, software among many other sectors. 2022 will see a other 50 percent in stock price rising.

The only wages rising, from what Im seeing , are more towards low level entry level work

Can't know how I bumped onto this. Anyway Damn good  ️. I also have been watching those similar from mStarTutorials and kinda wonder how you guys make these vids. MSTAR TUTORIALS also had cool info about similiar make money online things on his channel.

2:42:05 - 2:42:26   D#######%n Mr. Lawson!!!! We was doin SO Good!! ‍️‍️‍️‍️