There will be a crypto trading platform coming by Citadel-Virtu-Fidelity-Schwab

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 11:06 PM

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Tesla is not in a bubble if you know the company deeply (30.5% gross margin is unheard of in auto industry).  was wrong and said overvalued when it was $17 and now in $1050.

awesome! I am very pleased that politicians are finally seriously addressing the issue. Germany is years away from that again ...

What are the benefits of media exaggerating things like potential inflation and turning into an unsolvable crisis?  Do you miss all the drama that Trump could give you on a daily basis for news?  Back off using words like crisis until it is one.

ColdFusion is a very great threads, it has a lot of informative and useful threads! Thanks for this content.

Elon Musk is an American media star. I don't think that any of the fabricated content at FOX 'news' upsets this guy one bit. Elon Musk  loves the attention.  He follows the FOX 'news' ratings strategy to maintain his popularity.  He never criticizes Trump's words or, deeds This is what FOX and Elon consider a free press???

There are millions of people who do not understand the precise mechanics of cryptocurrency nor do they have an overview of how it fits into the economy so that while this is interesting we don#39t really understand why or how this happened. We have no mental framework for following it. Please make a quotdummiesquot version of how the cryptocurrency system works and why there seems to be so many of them (over 1500) and how  to distinguish among them as well as the criteria used to judge one over another.  Thank you..

too greedy to pay well, everything is just more expensive by default.One of things that people don't realize is also contributing to this is when a business refuses to post the exact salary and hourly wage for the jobs to be "competitive". That's because when people see that a lot of these businesses are broke