As Erdogan's rate talk fuels forex demand, the Turkish Lira sinks to 17 Dollars

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 10:37 PM

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There's a huge difference between high gas prices and no gas to buy.  That's when the sh*t will really hit the fan.

This so called "bubble burst" was not the first time I'm hearing about Bitcoin. I heard this in 2017-18 as well and stopped myself from buying and now I'm regretting

End corporate welfare, raise taxes on ppl making over 400k a year and raise interest rates.

Tesla was bubble at 60$ a share, and then 180$ a share, and then 500$ a share and now 1000$ a share. Keep it up , your analysts on screen are joke. Teslas fundamentals are far strong and have much more potential. Buying the dip is the best thing to do.

I would love to have a few beers with that guy! Trippy stuff, indeed.

This  would be so much better if they were treating the fed as the criminal organization they are instead of can them help do this or do that ... but sure I forgot the channel too is a part of the criminal organization... simply put they skimmed off the top and robbed middle class blind through years of money printing

Interesting that few commentators talk about the recent record growth in the money supply. For these folks its as if the price level is somehow independent of the quantity of money.

Simple get rid of democrats and their obscene desire to print money