Stocks fall in the U.S., ECB decision pending

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 09:43 PM

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Hopefully of the man cuts they can keep the cyber truck at 69 grand

power to set and adjust prices..In order to beat really have to own stocks in companies that have the market dominance

If you thought Terran Luna was bad wait until Tether shits the bed. It's going to be complete and total chaos everywhere. The guys that run Tether, by far the biggest "stable" coin, are complete scumbags. They won't even allow a 3rd party audit. They audit themselves lol. Tether is backed by nothing.

Mr Sherman: Thats because YOU do not make it legal tender. You have a monopoly of money printing.

Where is the accountability. Who is responsible for the inflation. No one cares

Informativ. Es ist traurig, dass viele Menschen ihr Kapital aufgrund mangelnder Berufskenntnisse oder mangelnder Disziplin verlieren. Dies war mein Fall, bis ich Herrn Jesse Standley letztes Jahr auf einer Konferenz traf, es ist nie zu spät, damit anzufangen.

Look. I#39m just saying, the others this man surrounded himself by might be his downfall. 8Ball-quot I#39m trying to tell you to watch yo back and trust few, ain#39t no nigga gone watch yo back for you like youquot

Look. I#39m just saying, the others this man surrounded himself by might be his downfall. 8Ball-quot I#39m trying to tell you to watch yo back and trust few, ain#39t no nigga gone watch yo back for you like youquot

My god this comment section is full of morons, pump and dumpers really have convinced millions

Who sponsored this segment? Jim chanos?

I think the economy will survive the summer due to seasonal activity, then it's all over. Summer-related activities will be the last gasp.

20% interest.....?  What a joke! The outcome was not a mystery

Only thing he has predicted correctly is when to sell his stock!