New NFT cloud from Salesforce plunges into crypto

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 09:25 PM

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What's the problem for stable coins and cryptocurrencies to undermine the dollar?  If they do so it means its better. The dollar only benefits these at the top Not the people.  The fact that we need stable coins and crypto is fact that the government is not doing its job right or we wouldn't ever need them.

Sure it can be stopped .. its transitory

Luna was my biggest holding, bout 30% of my portfolio now worth nothing. Couldn't sell when the storm started as I was staking the tokens with a 28 day wait on withdrawal on Terra Station wallet. One piece of free advise - DIVERSIFY.

thread on Charles hoskinson and cardano donation...Ada coin? Please?

I've had it with Elon. Been a long time fan and shareholder, but the constant drama, sensitivity, vindictiveness, and attention seeking have completely changed my opinion on him.

A man says, that someone can lose what sounds like 2 or 3 dollars, maybe 2x in and then out, total... in a couple of days, says thats well over a thousand percent.... its clear... its time for him to resign. He is actually in cognitive decline...  4 to 6 dollars out of 100 is not 1000% ... ever. Its time to retire... Please give the over priced pay that you enjoy off of tax payers, to the hungry and and needy of America. NEXT!!  XD

Tesla is bubble? You call yourself analyst and journalist? You really have no idea what you guys are talking about. Just mix up some other messed up companies with TSLA does not make it a bubble.  is shady. Shame on you. I would like to know who sponsored this manipulative ?

No one earns 20% year over year. That#39s what sucked Madoff#39s fools in. If any group is claiming to make consistently well above market gains they are lying criminals.

Tesla stock will go down into the low to mid 600s.

Remember the world when Orange Man Bad was the US president. Things look really bad now and are just going to get worse.

Why did do they want inflation to be above 2% when salaries are not even keeping up with that? Why are these people ruling the country?

High prices is due to the supply chain being racist.

The startup bubble is one that is going to explode big time soon. There are companies we don't even know of yet that are worthless.

So Musk makes a really bad bet on China and his company and our country is going to fall apart?  Not, America needs a little slowdown as well as some regulations regarding the big food monopolies.