Stablecoin guidelines published by New York's crypto regulator

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 09:01 PM

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Venturing into the trading world without the help of a professional trader and expecting profits is like turning water into wine, you would need a miracle, that's why i trade with Racheal Fernandez her skills set is exceptional.

Maybe Musk is thinking that ordinary people will get a hard time because of the amock inflation.

Bitcoin is good and it's the future in few years people will be kicking thereself for missing out.

Very interesting content, i would also be glad if anyone here can explain a few things for me, this is 2022 and I believe it#39s my time to invest and shine for a better future

Love it.  Market drops cause Elon has a super bad feeling at breakfast.

If gas jumped 50% and cars jumped 25% then no way inflation is at 6%...

4oOTvtupND8), along with other testimony.youtu.beanswer from Brian Brooks about stablecoins was edited out of the release that congress put out (1:O8in that https:1:13:28 this question

Started with 10000cad cashed out at 3200cad. Stinks, I hope that the Korean government holds him accountable.

Civil rights hero democrat Barbara Jordan, appointed by democrat Bill Clinton to head the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform, thunderously concluded that there is no national interest in continuing to import lesser-skilled and unskilled workers to compete in the most vulnerable parts of our labor force. Many American workers do not have adequate job prospects. We should make their task easier to find employment, not harder.

would be curious to see what decisions an AI based system, free from political bias, would make at each of these inflection points.  perhaps someone is already running an AI-based model in parallel with the current one.  would be nice if  would feature these results along side the decisions made by the established institutions.  realistically, monetary policy and interest rates eventually need to be managed by an AI system as this kind of 'thinking' is right up their alley.  the system could be managed by a bipartisan (or tripartisan, if there's ever a third party) committee.  rule or target updates would occur on a schedule that is deemed practical or pragmatic by all parties.

This channel is owned by the Federal Reserve Bankster Family Cartel that has been robbing us sense 1913  Duh!!!!    And funds all wars, both sides fools!!!

Yes congress just need to come out with a law defining what a digital asset is and then wont have the deal with the SEC who is only after one thing their pockets to full but hid it through strict regulation