Aeroflot sells special shares in order to be able to buy planes

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:42 PM

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hahaha im going to buy everything they mentioned here. retail is not stupid

I guess if people with money and power want to bring down anything, not just crypto, they can do so brwith will. Take for example, George Soros, took down the bank of England in 1992, making at least $2 billions in profits. Supposedly, the second most stable currency in the world.

Even Arkk sold all of their PLTR shares because she cannot trust this CEO.

services that are used for inflation should be comparable and easily measured, however this is an old way of thinking to keep calculations simple and easy to track. However society and technology have gotten more advanced. Why can't there be a more advanced inflation model be created that factor in for inconsistent products and services such as housing, food and electricity? Seriously, google can on the fly calculate ideal driving directions instantly for many millions of drivers at any given moment in the day around the world, but economists are limited to the easiest goods and services to track? There are online bots that track prices constantly for deals for consumers. Builders, realtors, property assessors, and so forth have a wealth of information to price homes. Builders may even go with price multipliers to get a general price for out of state pricing. Inflation likes to avoid volatile prices, but the reality is people are buying this constantly that are priced this way. If bots can get pricing and figure our averages and trends on a per product basis, why can't that be used for inflation? I'm no economist, and I don't care for reasons that equate to "it's too hard", when that's not how we got to this point in society. Trillions are at stake based what economists says about the economy, so why not spend more on getting better information.I get that the basket of good

I just stay poor so I never have to worry about losing money. Living in my car isn#39t so bad.

I will forever be indebted to you, you've changed my whole life I'll continue to preach about your name for the world to hear you've saved me from a huge financial debt with just little investment thanks so much Mrs leah Marcotte

Oh, I thought we were being told that inflation is a good thing now?

watch?v=3KZY41SqaTIampt=6m05s6:05a it#39s basically digital hyperinflation, for those with less technical knowledge.

first time? here in argentina we have 52% we had like 2000% inflation accumulated in 20 years