Aeroflot sells special shares in order to be able to buy planes

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:42 PM

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They want the crash. Want disempowers people. 2% is ideal? How stupid. Retire the idea of short transitions? Listen to how disempowering he sounds, and wants to leverage? The Fed DOESN"T WANT STABILITY! WAKE UP! It was created in 1913 with concealment of what the objective was. How did that even stick? Don't you get it's a cartel? If you want stable economies, use a stable currency. buxxb ...

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only way to stop it is to turn the printers off stop printing money its been proven no inflation when they turn printers on it starts back up now its to late 850 trillion been printed that all us bills in the world on top of uk printing money china printing money to much been printed 2 ways stop the printing let inflaion run its course crash or raise rates housing will crash forclosers sky rocket then crash ether way only way for evrrything to lvl back out is a crash and we will defult on the debt

I'm a Spanish Republican and figured it out WAY before he did.

Civil rights hero democrat Barbara Jordan, appointed by democrat Bill Clinton to head the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform, thunderously concluded that there is no national interest in continuing to import lesser-skilled and unskilled workers to compete in the most vulnerable parts of our labor force. Many American workers do not have adequate job prospects. We should make their task easier to find employment, not harder.


As long as any of these systems allow the userclient to buy or sell large amounts, they#39ll be easy to attack.