Aeroflot sells special shares in order to be able to buy planes

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:42 PM

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If USA does not want this technology to go to other countries like El Salvador, Russia etc. they should really leave some freedom for the Crypto Space. Trying to keep it down may work on short term, on long term it will just make it grow somewhere else.

Bitcoin....Bitcoin....Bitcoin... that's what I think

If you don't own a house  and stocks you are doomed.

The best thing for Tesla would be for Elon Musk to fire left-wing snowflakes and move manufacturing plant from California to Texas. Also, he should move Twitter to Texas and hire conservatives to moderate content.

<The year 2021 has been like a rollercoaster so far. The markets started off with a bang, with Redditors gathering and shaking up Wall Street by trading Gamestop stocks. Then, Bitcoin started spinning the charts up and down, Ethereum surprised pretty much everyone with its price hikes, altcoins started booming like never before (just think about DOGE), new market actors even rushed in to join the race. After all this, if you are still on the fence about getting in because you are worried that its too late to get started then you have to trade with the guidance of a professional<In three weeks of trading I have been able to make 9 btc using signals from Liam Noah. he can easily be reached on Telegram as [ liamnoahs ]

Starting early is the best way getting ahead to build wealth, investing remains a priority.  The stock market has plenty of opportunities to a decent payouts, with the right skills and proper understanding of how the market works

Inflation is just corporate greed .....when corporations need money from government and then post record profits......that is corporate greed ...plain and simple

employer operations at the  expense of the domestic labor market.big money over workers so  Fed data on labor is seriously flawed and optimize
 investorinvestors getting tax breaks and repressing wages in the labor market... Feds mostly provide credit  for big money investors  not for wage earners.
 The Feds uses  an adversarial model to pit  labor vs employer investor ... the Feds always favor employersInflation was driven by big money

watch?v=3KZY41SqaTIampt=9m55s9:55abrbrIf I remember correctly they were planning to move to their HQ.

Urgent Alert !!    More mass shooting will happen if DOJ Garland doesnt arrest top Trumpist! 

Inflation isn't that hard to stop and once you realize that you realize that central banks are doing on purpose