European shares: In the "red" with pressure from banks

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:37 PM

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There will be blood on the streets middle income and low income will be hurt the rich dont care this is why I support workers unionizing because the rich are robbing us

Elon is a methodical thinker... He knows this is an election month and he is out to hurt dems. The economy is always tops for voters... Come on now, here's a guy that was pushing to crank out Tesla's during the pandemic at all costs.

ya short hedge funds had nothing to do with it..... such a shallow thread

I have lost more than I should with algorithm stablecoins , for me, it´s a tech that is dead. Stablecoins are not a bad idea, but uniformly they have to be pegged.

Frankly speaking, his idea is not new. Many crypto venture capital turned blind eye on this loop-holes.

The FED is always in the know but behind the scenes.  This is just bla bla bla and cryptos will eventually be regulated for AI and the new economy.

da smart muny new to get out of the dum dum skeem!

Stellar? wtf is STellar? Get Vitalik there to explain the metaverse.

Yeah, raise interest rates by .25% every 6 months until you reach 2%, then stop! The reason raising rates screws up the economy is that they go too fast. Give those Fed governors each a lollypop and tell them to chill. 3% is too high and it will accelerate economic decline.  Productivity has increased per actual human man hours. If you go by dollars per productivity, it will be wrong every time. Union busting has contributed to income inequality. The Fed always overreacts in either direction. They actually cause instability.

BITCOIN IS A PONZI just waiting

They want the crash. Want disempowers people. 2% is ideal? How stupid. Retire the idea of short transitions? Listen to how disempowering he sounds, and wants to leverage? The Fed DOESN"T WANT STABILITY! WAKE UP! It was created in 1913 with concealment of what the objective was. How did that even stick? Don't you get it's a cartel? If you want stable economies, use a stable currency. buxxb ...

The problem with this economy is going to be jobs. Labor participation is already low. The jobs we have are service sector. 

more to the point can the criminal banks be stopped