European shares: In the "red" with pressure from banks

Started by OZER, Jun 08, 2022, 08:37 PM

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according to  anything that's going up is in a bubble

Yeah ditch the corrupt democrats , pay close attention the the date things started inflating. Sometime around January this year wasnt it. Democrats give you a few cents with much media fanfare later they steal a drollery behind the scenes.

he uses his mad scientist look to offload stock on bagholders.

A man says, that someone can lose what sounds like 2 or 3 dollars, maybe 2x in and then out, total... in a couple of days, says thats well over a thousand percent.... its clear... its time for him to resign. He is actually in cognitive decline...  4 to 6 dollars out of 100 is not 1000% ... ever. Its time to retire... Please give the over priced pay that you enjoy off of tax payers, to the hungry and and needy of America. NEXT!!  XD

I do agree we should be more careful on our investments, but c#39mon... Only invest with the money you can afford... Why go all in if you got 450k USD... That#39s just blindly foolish... So my point is... It#39s your risk... I didn#39t go with Luna due to their poor platform on Terra.... So i don#39t get how people could invest in just hype..

bingo at 11:00 minutes, hmm we need to strengthen the workforce in America, too much power to various companies and employers who export American job labor and now are anti-union. If the minimum wage had matched inflation from 1968 we would be looking at 2021 rate of $25 per hour to allow persons in America, to afford to save for homes, rent cheap, save for emergencies and generate wealth for all Americans but with the minimum at $7.25, we have a poverty wage and over 40%of the American workforce is living pay check to paycheck, millions fell into poverty in 2020 pandemic. The freakin child tax credit literally lifted some 20 million-plus children out of food insecurity.  Too many hedge funds and private equity firms driving up housing, rentals across America in all 50 states, and we are about to remove 455,000 truck drivers off the roads in less than 10 years with automated trucks, is one another example of millions of families being affected with job changes and the economic change of America in the 21st century.

i had 0 invested in terra but i hate do kwon from a bottom of my harth

Biggest bubble is the government printing money like there is value in it. The money is simply going to many of these investments as a way to keep up with inflation. Rich get richer no matter what.

Have you watched at least one  on  about the homeless on could be a preview of what we are to become, if the leaders do not reverse our course to war with China...

These are the elites invited to Davos? This guy lies, deflects, and dodges.

Why would they want to stop inflation when an explicit goal of the Fed is the continuous devaluation of the USD?

Tesla and btc worst investment if you jump on now Apple and Microsoft better they hold there growth and mean something