Gold has remained steady as stocks and bitcoin have plunged

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 10:30 PM

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Bitcoin....Bitcoin....Bitcoin... that's what I think

80% off all democrats have BTC from the stolen money that they need to hide and store somewhere els liberal make me sick

The economy is not Joe's fault, gas prices are not Joe's fault, unprecedented violence, murder & mental health crisis is not Joe's fault. Emboldened Russia aggression not Joe's fault. Stock market plummet not Joe's fault

I am new to the stock market. Every stock that I bought so far, I was out of luck because I bought them when they were expensive. I feel I missed on all the stock opportunities so far for the tech stocks.I believe having 75K yearly income would be a good investment so I want to plug all my savings into the stock market. I know this sounds a bit dull but I would like to know if I should learn investing or let somebody else (more capable like a FA) do it for me? Please share your thoughts. I am kind of tired of searching for a good stock to buy and loosing all the good opportunities :(

It's supply and demand; demand is high and supplies are low. Get the supply situation fixed and things will improve.

Exactly what the USD and Canada dollars are goingbrAnd why they are trying to apply and doing to our money

Unfortunately i have to agree with him. Bad time ahead, we need the reat President back DONALD J. TRUMP. 45. Wake up and live with it damm it.

The real inflation numbers are more like 14%. The Fed change the formula while back, this is the worst inflation we have seen in a very very long time. The Fed will tell you since the 90s, but thats not true they are using a new formula and comparing it against an old formula. They are doctoring the numbers, its that simple.

Irony is they lauch 2.0 luna and 70% down with a hour

da smart muny new to get out of the dum dum skeem!

So they basically only care about whether crypto challenges existing systems? How STUPID

Yes it can be stopped, just abolish the central bank Or set a Constitutional Amendment spending limit

Hertz is literally on Tesla's website smashing that buy button 100k times because Tesla doesn't give a damn about their order due to ridiculously high demand.