Gold has remained steady as stocks and bitcoin have plunged

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 10:30 PM

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He's also been claiming full self driving for how long? Lol

when has inflation ever rolled itself back?? is there any historical data ?  The people suffering will be the middle class , and next yr it will be worse when the tax code strongly punishes small businesses with ludicrous scrutiny

Verry interesting thread, the person that initiated this attackcrash, is cold and heartless and probably knew exactly what he was about to do to a lot of people who thought they were safe, stay strong everyone who got affected

It's too late for Feds to save now. They should be in Jail for inside trading

This is purely the fault of investors and poor regulation. If you don#39t see it this way you will never grow up and you don#39t deserve wealth.

Stable coins are for assholes, but if you must..... DAI.

"What do you want? I guy with four arms?" *Automation intensifies*

Fractional Reserve Banking is the biggest evil ever put on mankind

A man says, that someone can lose what sounds like 2 or 3 dollars, maybe 2x in and then out, total... in a couple of days, says thats well over a thousand percent.... its clear... its time for him to resign. He is actually in cognitive decline...  4 to 6 dollars out of 100 is not 1000% ... ever. Its time to retire... Please give the over priced pay that you enjoy off of tax payers, to the hungry and and needy of America. NEXT!!  XD

There is only a bubble if you see a bubble I see pure money. To the moon

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.