North Korea: Missile programme funded through stolen crypto, UN report says

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 06:11 PM

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Oil stocks aren't overpriced imo, still relatively low. But will probably also go down if a substantial correction occurs.

anyone have a link to a non ad version? 2 20 second ads every 5 min...expect nothing better from

Interesting... After all this time telling us that increased wages won't increase prices

There is one born every minute, lol, every second nowadays... Any smart person would see the scam

Just wait when China make a move on Taiwan. Bye bye most of electronics supply.

In my life i have learned that whenever people propose  some fantastical business opportunity like you pay 10000$ today and in a week you get 18000$ I simply runaway. People that actually have that ability don#39t need your 10000$ to begin with

why haven't wages risen in line with inflation if it has risen by more than 2% a year for decades?

Yes! Collapse. Also study history, past country's before collapse had a false sense of well-being and growth of economy leading up to the point...

They have enough authority as it is they should not be controlling us like this