North Korea: Missile programme funded through stolen crypto, UN report says

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 06:11 PM

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hour. That helps no one, except the rich, of course.It doesnt matter if unemployment is at zero if the majority of people are making $7

To call  an idiot, is like saying a military sniper is a professional comedian...

Just trying to hide the fact that business is as not as good as people want to believe....


Up 48 % Month. * FFIE.. Faraday Future FF 91 Ultra Premium Luxury Artificial Intelligence tech Spa Function, 1,050 hp SUV EV Arrivibg by Sept 2022.

socialist has worked out for them. Keep voting for the democrat party and we will all enjoy the equality of poverty.socialist economic policies always fail,and only lead to the collapse of a nations economy. Just ask the people of Venezuela how voting for liberalsWhy are people surprised inflation is rising? History has proven time and time again that liberal

I hope crypto crashes hard because I need a GPU. it's been disrupting GPU supply for years now. it has to stop.

Quantitative easing is the cause of pumps mony in the more dollars in circulation the lower the value or the higher the inflation.....i think its clear that quantitative easing should be iligal.....solving a debt crisis bye allowing more debt is not a solution......stop the cocaine do what you should have done a long time a go raise interest rates back to 10 to doing so you make housing affordable again..... capatalisme needs detoxing from time to time the longer you postpone the harder the redraw will be.......a normel household should not be forced into shares for there savings to gain some return......housing is not for speculation but to live in and shares stocks are only for seasoned investors...

So why is Bitcoin worh so much? Because they aren't making anymote of it unlike crooked banks and govts

The Market has been pretty bad until today it decided to surge. Everybody was Practically Crying then. It kept dipping. That's what you get when you feel you can navigate the process on your own. Big thank to  Adriana Chloe. I'm not bothered with how bad the Market is because my assests are insured due to her advice and I still receive my profits.

Really dislike this guy. He isn't likeable and very nationalist. No country other then US should trust this guy.

Even back in high school I would mouth off to the teachers telling them " working and a career are stupid and the whole system is a scam" they said I'd just flipping Burgers my whole life. . . . WELL WHOS LAUGHING NOW!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!