RBI announces no transactions in G-Secs, Forex and Money Markets today as Mahara

Started by OZER, Feb 07, 2022, 06:06 PM

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Oil price are the cause of all are economic problems, this is not hard to figure out. People over analyze. Biden's policies are killing the economy.

 DAY in the US market; so the gas prices should go down, it may stop the inflation...and maybe get us 10% stock price jump according to one technical analystwe will soon get 1 MILLION BARRELS of oil

This is bs. Leave crypto alone. These people are all interested in there own benefit.

What about loosing a huge percentage with every transaction? Conversion rates are high. Individuals that they claim to help are paying the most while companies are getting rich with every transaction.

Outsourcing a lawyer... sure why not. During the pandemic many trials were held online right? So if e.g. an indian can speek good english and was taught american law why wouldn´t he be able to be your lawyer? Sure there are certain regulations in place with that job specifically but there might be ways around it in the future... maybe already.

Yes inflation can be stopped at anytime but biden''s just busy his his covid game. In all his political life, he rarely or didn't talk about his economy viewpoints but criticized only. He got elected because people wanted to get rid of trump's racism in the WH.

They have no business regulating risk who the hell do they think they are?

only way to stop it is to turn the printers off stop printing money its been proven no inflation when they turn printers on it starts back up now its to late 850 trillion been printed that all us bills in the world on top of uk printing money china printing money to much been printed 2 ways stop the printing let inflaion run its course crash or raise rates housing will crash forclosers sky rocket then crash ether way only way for evrrything to lvl back out is a crash and we will defult on the debt

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