PLTR, Daily , Butterfly Harmonic Shape

Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:23 PM

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Rep Waters' questions so naive & unrealistic it is clear that she has NO understanding of PAXOS or cryptocurrencies

Inflation forces people to spend less and use less.  It's not necessarily a bad thing.  It's like fever or pain, tells you that something is wrong.

How favourable is the market now. I want to invest in cryptocurrency

The next 1000x BSC gem - Angry Floki. Do not miss out on itits the next big thing in crypto!!!!

when has inflation ever rolled itself back?? is there any historical data ?  The people suffering will be the middle class , and next yr it will be worse when the tax code strongly punishes small businesses with ludicrous scrutiny

_Can the USA stop printing money?_  There, I fixed your title.

watch?v=hvcDk74cir0www..comjust make laws requireing everyone to work and that will stop inflation.........worked after the plague https:

I lost a lot of money in UST it hurts but we must move on

If you hear the word crypto and 20%

Broken capitalism.  Solution,  need to start over.  Burn the FIRE sector. Vote for a change    (pun) demand democracy  banks produce  nothing,  zero,  just profits  DNC = RNC = the 1%  =  Wall street not the 99%  remember the 1970s ?  what it took to get change a revolution,  yeah

This is part of the business cycle and fed's interference. Weak economy will pressure the fed to release the printers again.

Over 67%+ of Americans unemployed permanently!