PLTR, Daily , Butterfly Harmonic Shape

Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:23 PM

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interesting are you trying to cover for the Biden Administration after they told you how to cover the failing circus in closed door meetings

If you care about America please read Ray Dalios newest book.

How the heck is housing not in that thumbnail. Or united states debt.

Wow, I am very excited to see this in the morning, open and honest, objective and rational, transparent and fair to discuss the development of the industry, I am in China, but I am still very moved.

Can be, but its not going down. Gas price is not a major concern. Things like grocery, rent, housing price, tax These things are much more serious problems

If they try to fix inflation the economy crashes, if they let inflation go, the economy crashes, they are stuck in a box with no way out

A lot of that $45B wasn#39t really owned by regular people, I#39m sure that a lot of the money staked in Anchor and a lot of the coins held by Luna addresses were from people closely involved with the project, early investors and whales.brAs others pointed out if LFG reserves would have been used to repay the smallest wallets only, 99.6% of people with money on anchor would have gotten a full refund. I would say that retail and smallmedium investors lost AT MOST $5B on Anchor, the rest wasn#39t retail, and the biggest losers were the makers of LunaTerra, whose algo stablecoin was poorly designed from the start.

These CEOs are on it! Especially Mr. Brooks!

The Federal Reserve is destroying our country.