Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:15 PM

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Can not stop bcoz u still print money to wall street and create more wealth gap. Delay to increase interest to help big tech cos. DONT LIE TO ME AND US PPL.

if this company doesn't get bought out, and if we have a recession, it will more than likely go to zero...

Surely it has nothing to do with his imminent margin call on his long chain of frauds

Henry Ford knew he had to pay his employees enough to buy one of his cars.

Congress gave the Federal Reserve a mandate to maintain stable prices - Wall Street gave the Federal Reserve the mandate to maintain ever higher prices. Following dot-coms was fashionable so Fed chose the latter and continuing.

Don't you find it fascinating  how the government has literally no say, on important economic projections that affect the population? THAT ALONE SHOULD TELL YOU WHO IS REALLY IN POWER!

The bubble will pop in accordance to what monetary and fiscal policy allows. Allow interest rates to rise and the bubble pops. Allow inflation to run and the bubble grows. Pick your poison.   Good luck everyone, stay safe.

In the long run of history measured across decades, I think the TerraLuna disaster will be regarded as a growing pain for algorithmic stablecoins. They are here to stay because you cannot destroy workable ideas, even if the prototypes were unstable. Like meme coins and juvenile concepts like #39aping in#39, algorithimc stablecoins in their current form are toxic for investors and the space.

To AOC that throws softballs on these CEOs: if I will be living in a society where everybody is an opportunist trading cryptos, I would rather DIE. Thank you.

Tesla, Bitcoin, Gamestop, etc. does not matter, these are only labels people betting on. Nobody cares what the company behind them really doing.