Very Soon ETH can back to 4000 and make retest of support line

Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:14 PM

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 never had so many viewers with this wild exciting political discussion


People aren't suddenly spending a larger percentage of their wages on new stuff. This is a lie that media and this administration are trying to use.

Raising taxes, fees, interest rates and turning off the money printer. Just a few things from the top of my head.

Bitcoin....Bitcoin....Bitcoin... that's what I think

 generations are attracted to different fields and positions.  I don't really care about skin color as much as Americans. I'd rather a team of passionate individuals of any group as long as their goals are genuine, good vaules and going to improve lives. MK did say" I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
 Now all some people look at is on the outside when it's the inside that should count.culturesLittle weird to me this diversity priority. I bought Polygon a crypto which was founded by a team in India. 92 % of software developers are male and to focus so much on diversity seems problematic.  I dunno why when left to their own choices that different genders

You guys are a joke! How you were saying how high amc or gme was in compare where it is now.. but then on tesla youre just saying how much it went up this year. Lol what are you traying to say here

He knows he can't deliver on all his big promises and he's trying to blame everything but himself for the pickle he is in.

Lock downs wiped out savings as people dipped into funds just to survive. New taxes, Inflation and regulations wiping out home ownership. Welcome to Feudal America.

Stop inflation?  Biden:  "Print more money, for everyone!".