GBPUSD: Zone to Zone Compression 🎯

Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:12 PM

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If the inflation crisis doesn't end, then there would be no sense to go and find work because the cost of living will never match your paycheck. Its either find work and starve, or go to work with no clothes. Because we can't afford nothing anymore nowadays.

When the recession hits its gonna be bad for a lot of countries. Governments are going to forced to print money again and give it to the unemployed. All your savings are going to devalue massively. Bitcoin is the answer mark my words and just wait a few years until the economy begins recovery and you'll be absolutely laughing.

Interesting that few commentators talk about the recent record growth in the money supply. For these folks its as if the price level is somehow independent of the quantity of money.

Everyone can see, we are already in recession.

Central Bank, stuff. print, print.

The Fed printing more money will just slow down the economic collapse, it will eventually happen one day, and it's not just in the US, any other countries have the same chance. This is why I invest in crypto. Not a financial advice of course but if you look back in history, bitcoin's price just keeps getting higher unlike fiat money we have today.

Despite the economic downturn,I'm so happy☺️. I have been earning $ 60,000 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days

I#39ve had more financial success with Nigerian princes over email

Exactly what the USD and Canada dollars are goingbrAnd why they are trying to apply and doing to our money

The truly smug look on this pricks face says it all. 20% return is for gullible idiots who put their heads in the sand and tell themselves it#39s all real. It#39s a horrible outcome for many people but this has been happening for centuries. How about Tether?

Not necessarily new... Vietnam , many other examples in history. It's whether power nations will go beyond that - Nagasaki again etc. That was seen as a rational mathematical equation- timexmanpower. The definitive deterrent. If it happens again not clear that the follow up would conclude in the same way.

Inflation was always there, it was just hidden with low cost goods.  Try comparing a Lawnmower from the 70s that was proudly made in America to one that is created today made cheaply in China. The older Lawn mower is built to last where as the one made today would break in a couple of years (by design so customer has to buy a new one).  This is how China has become a super power because to hide inflation the super rich in democratic countries in the world, outsourced labor to China to make cheaper goods.  It is all so the super rich dont have to pay much for workers.  Keep goods and services cost low, keep pay low, keep taxes low. If anything disrupts this mantra, it would result in less money for the super rich.  Now that China has become so powerful that they can now start charging more for their goods, it means the super rich of the democratic countries that used China for cheap labor has no choice but to pass the cost on to their working class.  Its also the reason for the trade war with China, and moving cheap labor to South East Asia, war torn countries like Pakistan, or slave like labor (Blood Diamond like operations) in Africa.     Inflation exists because of greed.  Greed is not going anywhere.

13:03. So much BS.  The Fed is going to keep interest rates near zero because if they don't the government wouldn't be able to service its own debts.

 never had so many viewers with this wild exciting political discussion