GBPUSD: Zone to Zone Compression 🎯

Started by OZER, Jan 09, 2022, 04:12 PM

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hour. That helps no one, except the rich, of course.It doesnt matter if unemployment is at zero if the majority of people are making $7

Bitcoin no question its absolute garbage

This is why the dollar is regulated and also has the American military backing it. You guys are trying to play the federal reserve without an army backing you currency.

Well I am glad I payed off my debt and I am going to sit on the side line and save save save and watch and wait to see what happens

Theyve been trashing Tesla for years, it reminds me of the reporter Bezos told to invest in Amazon hell be a billionaire and the reporter just trashed on Amazon

It could easily be slowed down, lets stop printing money!

Funny how nobody mentioned "stealing" as an equivalent of gambling in bubbles. Commoners blame Wall Street for this speculative behavior, yet copy them...

Venturing into the trading world without the help of a professional trader and expecting profits is like turning water into wine, you would need a miracle, that's why i trade with Racheal Fernandez her skills set is exceptional.

wealth growth. That growth is mostly happening in real estate and especially in the stock markets. So the rich are soaking up the vast majority of any actual increases.The problem is that inflation isn't really tracking with general income

I wont use this and  as evidence and tell yourself that you are worried Bitcoin and Tesla will crash. Be safe in everything you do but I would call this irrational fear. The entire US government and US dollar is based of loans and debt. You give and you take. Buy Bitcoin. Buy Tesla. Take what you want. But never forget to give back. If you take. You have to give. People should be more concerned about what they are going to do with all this fast cash in order to help people other people survive. There are 8 billion people on this planet. 10% and I would suggest more are starving to their deaths. That is what we should be talking about. Repaying our debts. Giving back. I hate to burst your bubble. A bubble burst is the least of my concerns.

To be honest, I#39ve never managed to wrap my head around American economicsbrbrFrom the FIAT currency to highly inflated startup valuations and crypto. brbrTo a layman like me, it all seems like people create money out of thin air, bank on the hype then jump ship when the house of cards comes crashing down on them

No they want us to have no choice but buy stocks n inflate there assets cuz we got not choice

Diversity and under-representation concerns with banking and minority wealth creation, CFTC and SEC common regulatory regimes, asset regulation properties and risk-gradientization vs binarization as "is security" or "is not security", spot Bitcoin ETF confusion despite futures ETF prices coming from spot prices, zk-snark-based tax ids and digital zk-based digital ids generally, FDIC insurrance on stablecoins taking into account USDC's similarities to and differences from a bank, CBDC principles, broker definition clarification and narrowing...all good stuff. Keep it up y'all! Looking forward to the next one.

Lies, damned lies, and statistics

when has inflation ever rolled itself back?? is there any historical data ?  The people suffering will be the middle class , and next yr it will be worse when the tax code strongly punishes small businesses with ludicrous scrutiny