Dow rises to new record, but Nasdaq falls nearly 2% as higher rates divide the m

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:59 PM

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It's obvious Ford has caught up and ready to pass Tesla.  As of right now, Tesla vehicles are overpriced and underpowered.  Sounds familiar?  PC and Apple (Tesla)

Probably a good idea to not hire people you may have to lay off soon given the state of the economy.

Or maybe its not irrationality. Maybe its the same thing it has been over the last 2000 years where tribesmen with little top hats are blamed for starting every war and usurping every nations money. And it looks like 110 is coming

Shocks are all about future I think. If you wait until the company is earning a fair amount of moeny or mature, there won't be a fair price either. So some companies that is not earning very much now or even with minus earning could seem very expensive. But that doesn't mean it's in a bubble.  You take your bet or prediction about company's furture and you earn or loss. Not some value finding which is nearly impossible i think because i think the market is kind of effictive so why should you find something that is highly undervalued?

Yes thay can end the fed    Go back to constitutional money   flation is theft And we all know the CPI is a lie come come on really when they use waiting hydonics is hydonics and other adjustments is other adjustments to manipulate the numbers to the downside if we calculated the numbers like they calculated Is when they started it would be more than 10% now

Nice ! I was able to build a big income stream during the covid-19 pandemic investing with a professional broker, Mrs stacy maya.

Lumber went down because of limited processing. Klausner One in Live Oak, Florida shutdown end of 2018 due to business problems and the mill was being sold at tax auction. Binderholz runs the mill now and started production back in the spring of 2021 which is why the prices have gone down. This facility produces a million board feet annually.

watch?v=3KZY41SqaTIampt=9m20s9:20a - Botez is OS SO SO SEXY!!!

Most cryptos have no real use case. The rest are great but realistically I'm not sure the banks will let crypto flourish as it's competition for them