Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:48 PM

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If the general public coast to coast are not waking up and take actions that benefits their country, then undisputable praise should be given for the FED. Naturally if we are not learning from  the ignorance we create by ourselves to begin with, then blaming the actors of manipulation and corruption is not helpful.

 generations are attracted to different fields and positions.
 I don't really care about skin color as much as Americans. I'd rather a team of passionate individuals of any group as long as their goals are genuine, good vaules and going to improve lives. MK did say" I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."  Now all some people look at is on the outside when it's the inside that should count.culturesLittle weird to me this diversity priority. I bought Polygon a crypto which was founded by a team in India. 92 % of software developers are male and to focus so much on diversity seems problematic.  I dunno why when left to their own choices that different genders

No. They want higher inflation. Bad news for average Americans.

Its rich that the theme  of this  is that the Fed&Gov. didnt cause this issue to be exasperated by the Pandemic & that the way to fight inflation is for more interference into the economy by the federal government. Its governments involvement in our economy that is helping drive all this inflation.

US Government needs to look into CZ from Binance for fraud

This inflation is transitory, print money obviously have no consequences, pffffff. the central command economy of the Soviet Union (united states) work vary well, let the government produce chips, or infrastructure.  system appear to be a viable economic alternative, dont worry, everything wanna be ok

Stop inflation and Joe Biden policies..IMPEACH BIDEN

 not have any significant consequences to inflation, deposit rates do. There is a simple connection between them,  interest rates always have to be higher than deposit rates. So what they actually want to say is: FED should increase deposit rates, which would also lead to an increase in interest rates. (they probably does not know it, they only heard somewhere that interest rates are good against inflation and now they are repeating it like idiots)  2. Deposit rates are yields that commercial banks get out of money they put into FED deposit. 

It's too late for Feds to save now. They should be in Jail for inside trading

If you own Tesla stock Bitcoin and apple you will have a very comfortable and cushy future, while all around you people will be fighting over a potato.

Hexo guarantees full patched membership and cartels money laundering services. Do the homework.true