Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:48 PM

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Gov should ban crypto it is sucking liquidity ,

Nice thread, what I find strange is very fewnone comments from people who were actually impacted by this crash, they must be going through some tough times, stay strong people - You are worth much more than your bank account

Raise rates and inflation is over, make money worth something!

If the money crashed, where did it go? There had to be someone to benefit from it after all.

I wish him best of luck on his trip to the moon Lovely statement Joe about a guy who's actually pushing human progress and creating a ton of innovation and jobs unlike yourself.

Protect your  money you paranoid hoarder

quotonly put in what you#39re prepared to losequot, every investors say this, yet the majority wouldn#39t listen. Hope this is like a wake up call for the masses.

Mr brooks was definitely needed person in clarity and was instrumental for this hearing

In a world full of innovation and technology, in a constantly changing world, the USA has Al Lawson.

quotHe had a reputation to keep and cheating people would destroy that.quot This could be said about all fraudsters. The thing is, these people build up reputation to deceive other people. It is their whole point.

The key to trading success is emotional discipline. If intelligence were the key, there would be a lot more people making money trading I know this will sound like a cliche, but the single most important reason that people lose money in the financial markets is that they dont cut their losses short.

So if you buy some at .03 cents current value, then you would get 20% return on the .03 price investment.