The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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TSLA is deeply undervalued if it can get AV to work. The professional driving industry in the US alone, annually, is worth nearly $1T USD.

Transitory supply chain crisis... Ohh never mind the rent, and cost increases on stuff there's plenty of fiction of your imagination.... What happeneds when you print trillions and monitize the debt? Inflation

Well the usd hasn't actually met real inflation as global players keep on purchasing the USD, the current inflation we're seeing right now is purely artificial. Exchange rates haven't changed much. Prices of actual commodities still are purchased in usd, until the global economy ceases to subsidize this ponzei scheme, the fed will keep on printing.

Stock market and property market are greatly inflated again, so those who are buying now, watch out!!!   It is common misconception that houses are assets, no they are just speculative tools..

I want hyper inflation, want to pay off my house ASAP

Musk shot himself in the foot with his own mouth. I would say a lot of people have changed their attitudes on him and in buying his products from now on.

That#39s like going to you#39re local bank and them giving you 20% APR on your savings account. People who fell for any of these crypto staking scams deserve to lose it all. Nobody is giving out 15% annually without being a ponzi scheme. Go buy $SPY folks.

This was one of the dumbest s I've ever seen. Not once did they mention the massive amounts of money added in circulation the past year.

Black Americans need the government funding to start business and they know help black Americans become owners

What can be seen as a problem could also be seen as an opportunity. I am thinking of people in their mid thirties who have felt trapped by student or other types of debt. Those costs are fixed so if people in early to mid career can trade up to a better job with higher pay they are in better shape.