The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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Just saw that inflation just reached 6.8% (the highest in 39 years). If Jpow doesn't stop with his printer, inflation in 2022 could be wild af

I would love to have a few beers with that guy! Trippy stuff, indeed.

Amazing meeting. Thoughtful discussion (except for bank shill Sherman) was so refreshing. Bravo Committee!

I have always said, quotThe best stuff on the internet is free.quotbrThere are ways to build crypto for free and build a portfolio without having to spend all your  hard earned money. Take what you can get for FREE. Then if you lose it... well it was free nothing lost. Ride The wave.

How can one let politicians question CEOs for the crypto community without none biased experts?

Elon musk , relax you have nothing to worry about.  Didn't you hear Biden tell everyone things are terrific.

LOL when I hear the 2 % preferred rule... Have they ever done a good job of keeping that the average rate.. LOL! I think the average rate has been more closer to like 3 or 4% over the last 40 years, let me know if Im wrong. I like learning more than I like being right by a lot.

Inflation? Really?   Why are Treasury rates dropping? Why are they basically nailed to the floor? Why does one famous historian say interest rates are at a 5000-year-low? Low rates mean abundant credit for viable businesses. That means employment and rising wages. Those are all good things.  Americans have so much stuff jammed into their McMansions they have to hire people to haul it away before they buy more stuff. We throw away more food than other countries eat. If your lifestyle is cramped by un-preventable economic cycles, it's because of your unrealistic expectations.