The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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whats this fake news x)? dint the banks did this.

Even back in high school I would mouth off to the teachers telling them " working and a career are stupid and the whole system is a scam" they said I'd just flipping Burgers my whole life. . . . WELL WHOS LAUGHING NOW!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!

Buy NIO now. This EV manufacturer is going to build an assembly facility in the US. Get in now! Semper Fi

Inflation? Really?   Why are Treasury rates dropping? Why are they basically nailed to the floor? Why does one famous historian say interest rates are at a 5000-year-low? Low rates mean abundant credit for viable businesses. That means employment and rising wages. Those are all good things.  Americans have so much stuff jammed into their McMansions they have to hire people to haul it away before they buy more stuff. We throw away more food than other countries eat. If your lifestyle is cramped by un-preventable economic cycles, it's because of your unrealistic expectations.

Only thing he has predicted correctly is when to sell his stock!

Ask the 1500 new billionaires created during COVID to return the stolen currency?

I think the point is US citizens are sick of the laws and regulations that makes business and growth overly complicated and down right not worth the investment in emerging technology. The US government is killing the ability for the USA to compete in the world market with over regulation.

Lol if Americans think they're broke wait until they get "free" federal health care for all   modern day slavery

So many opinions in the  and in the comments, and it's like, does anyone truly know what's going to happen?

Nature may abhour a vaccum, but the human world loves bubbles.

Lmao imagine saying that inflation happens because someone asks for a raise. What about not lying for once? People are desperately asking for a raise trying to keep up with the rampant inflation that money printing creates