The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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Ok yeah, that other bubble is the USD. Thanks for playing and good luck!

when? when tesla, bitcoin and another market will want to pop their bubble

Today they are realizing a new problem -Tesla MUST GROW to fulfill the promises priced into the stock.  Musk backing off and getting conservative with tesla might save his wealth, but it screws the shareholders that bought high.

PLTR stock performance has been absolutely abysmal compared to other speculative stocks.  We shouldn't be listening to this Crap. I mean .

Is it just me or does   speak and move like a gangster rapper in this thread?

4oOTvtupND8), along with other testimony.youtu.beanswer from Brian Brooks about stablecoins was edited out of the release that congress put out (1:O8in that https:1:13:28 this question

It is not desirable for inflation to be stopped, or even slowed too much. The Central Bank's power are less and less as economies get bigger and bigger.  And despite what we are told there is a disconnect between government fiscal policy and the policy of the Central Banks.  CP is a poor metric, but one we have used for decades.

Civil Contempt For Trump, But Trump Has Not Been Indicted

I can't understand the mandate for the federal reserve is supposed to be stability when they are the ones to cause even more unstable events. They should only ever control the money supply based on the population and not by natural disasters and now we're seeing the product of that happening. People always seem to blame companies first for a lot of the issues at hand whenever we have a crisis arise but don't understand who were the ones to start it and continue to produce more of them. Interest rates should be at least a couple of percentage points higher because these low interest rates are providing an incentive to just borrow freely without any repercussions.   I can see why bitcoin was created to challenge the stupidity of the monetary system but again it's filled with corruption and flawed with the same issue with everyone trying to play mind games with the public to make it seem like it's a fair game. I truly think the best way to get a good money system in place that is based on merit and genuine work is by utilizing the blockchain concepts to monitor for fairness in all transactions instead of just making them public. Something that denies out weighted transactions and promotes balance and stability over the toxic growth mindset beyond everything mentality.

WAY TO GO SNIFFY JOE BIDEN......................