The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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Stop increasing money supply to stop inflation. Econ 101

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I don't think the government wants to stop inflation, they want it to increase to diminish the burden of the debt.

All I have to say is look at who's president now. That is the reason of inflation.

Please don't try to mislead people. 5:50 "Bitcoin right now doesn't have fundamental value". Neither does fiat currency, other than maybe using bank notes as toilet paper or kindling. The value is just an agreement between people. You CAN buy valuable stuff with Bitcoin the same as with USD, if the seller agrees that it can be exchanged for goods. Many people and companies do. I don't hold any crypto but I'm interested to see where it goes.

WAY TO GO SNIFFY JOE BIDEN......................

Gas prices soar: The President doesnt control gas prices!!! Gas prices drop 2 cents from an all time high: THANKS BIDEN!!!!!

Dixon seems not ready for prime time. Missed several opportunities to hit home runs and instead grounds out. I suggest she practice more or they get someone in who excells at communication. With what is at stack now we cannot have amateurs representing us. I give Dixon a partisapation award