The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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"nobody likes inflation" is a silly statement because without it you could actually be paid LESS. If we enter deflation which I expect to happen the second half of this decade people will be getting paid less because businesses make less.  Yes, things cost more and you have to budget for it. But let's not pretend inflation is that simple, because when moderated inflation is great.

Maybe Musk is thinking that ordinary people will get a hard time because of the amock inflation.

Run Do Kwon run, but there is no place you can hide even with your billions . Justice will find you wherever you go wherever you hide...! You don't deserve to live comfortably  , those ppl will chase  you even in your dream .... Biggest con artist in Korean history " Do Kwon" .

Hedge fund coordinated attacks should be banned

Musk employees have to show up & justify their existence. Being a swashbuckler & risk taker you serve at his whim.

How can you say the bubble popped, if Game Stop is still up 1000% instead of 2000%?

Wow, sincerely impressed with the level of depth so eloquently explained here! AND even more impressed by the lawmakers willingness to keep open minds and finally ask intelligent questions on the matter of crypto, a marked shift in attitude for the better of everyones future!

Bit coin just makes inflation  worst taken liquidity out of the market and forcing the fed to print more money till we get 3 rd world  economy

If they try to fix inflation the economy crashes, if they let inflation go, the economy crashes, they are stuck in a box with no way out

Find it a bit odd that stablecoins are just all being lumped together without talking about their differences. USDCUSDT, UST and DAI work very differently. USDT is (supposed) to be backed by  redeemable for 1$, DAI is over collateralized, and well.. UST (along with other algorithmic stables) is a bubble as we have seen time again.

Instead of sending tweets that destroy the market perhaps Elon should get some sleep

If USA does not want this technology to go to other countries like El Salvador, Russia etc. they should really leave some freedom for the Crypto Space. Trying to keep it down may work on short term, on long term it will just make it grow somewhere else.