The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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The bubble will pop for the ones that are being disrupted. To compare Tesla as a meme stock means you guys have no idea what you are posting. Lets save my post and check back in 10 years. Time will tell.

You print more money, you will have inflation. Anything apar is an outlier not a reality

These kinds of s are why  took away the dislike count. So we cant feel unified against propaganda.

lol if this guy isn't bullish right now, then wec an expect a crash

gallon of petrol in America This really will make  Vice President   Harris giggle when she is asked why -  can't ask Biden he doesn't know what day it isBefore the Weimar Republic  collapsed, the inflation was exponential in Germany paving the way for the rise of Herr Hitler Soon they will be paying $US100

How can you say the bubble popped, if Game Stop is still up 1000% instead of 2000%?

Sad to hear ppl saying offing themselves is the only way out after loseing all their cash but also you cant go all in on 1 single crypto and expect no risk. At the very least get a diversified portfolio.

I like cryptocurrency, because it's feature rich & secure. I hate cryptocurrency, because pf the possibility of mining.

I've had it with Elon. Been a long time fan and shareholder, but the constant drama, sensitivity, vindictiveness, and attention seeking have completely changed my opinion on him.

  is a savage. Anyone who doesn't like him is soft.