The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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Quantitative easing is the cause of pumps mony in the more dollars in circulation the lower the value or the higher the inflation.....i think its clear that quantitative easing should be iligal.....solving a debt crisis bye allowing more debt is not a solution......stop the cocaine do what you should have done a long time a go raise interest rates back to 10 to doing so you make housing affordable again..... capatalisme needs detoxing from time to time the longer you postpone the harder the redraw will be.......a normel household should not be forced into shares for there savings to gain some return......housing is not for speculation but to live in and shares stocks are only for seasoned investors...

Lmao theyre talking about XBI. He said healthcare not baby bio

I see inflation when I go to the supermarkets looking for food which has increased considerably due to inflation which is caused by supply chain backups which is caused by lack of personnel at the moment.

US Government needs to look into CZ from Binance for fraud

Well I am glad I payed off my debt and I am going to sit on the side line and save save save and watch and wait to see what happens

DBA has so much in store and you don't want to miss out on huge opportunities. To the moon  #DBA

Mr Sherman proved to be an embarassment to his constituents. He was so happy when his time was up as he couldn't respond to the rebutals made to what he was trying to get at.  Its the likes of him which is why the u.s is behind the rest of the world in regards to this new asset class. & Brian Brooks is a beast. Digital asset space is fortunate to have him as an advocate.

High prices is due to the supply chain being racist.

Brad Sherman embarrassed himself. Its good Aarika Rhodes is running to unseat him.

Brian Brooks like the dad in the room educating everyone

Everyone is going to have to realize that we ARE heading this way and the days of fox guarding the hen house is over. I Bet in ten years the Fed will be gone