The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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We need Germany translator, please please please

3:30 "I'm not looking to play stock market here, but let's play stock market. What does the stock market now tell you about the stock market later jim?"

Reading about people grabbing multi-figures monthly as income in investments even in this crazy days in the market,any pointers on how to make substantial progress in earnings?would be appreciated.....

*Senator:* "but if you don't sell a product, then how do you make money!?!?!?"  *Bogdanoff:* "Senator......we pull rugs"

The only person that has done more damage to the retail trader then Cathy woods:

And democrats still want to grow the size of the government

Anyone who thinks china has evergrande crisis under control is as stupid as people who believed chinas word that there was no human to human transmission

If they can stop people from opting out of the dollar system using crypto and stop people creating their own printing machine using pegged coins maybe.


Can be, but its not going down. Gas price is not a major concern. Things like grocery, rent, housing price, tax These things are much more serious problems

Is it possible that 'The Fed' uses ossified factors in their calculus?  This  presentation illustrates that several 'blind-spots' have taken 'The Fed' by surprise.

The fact that people vote for some of these dinosaurs is mind blowing. All they can think about is taxes, communism, and terrorism, it's disgustingly laughable. DeFi is the future.