The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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It seems that this  a couple of days late to be uploaded

The issue with this  is it brings a bunch of different sectors together to prove a "bubble" yet the supposed bubble is implied to be specific to one market? so they pretty much prove their own theory wrong. they basically saying "one of these markets could be in a bubble" while showing significant increase in value across all assets since pandemic.   Meanwhile it is not discussed that this is primarily due to rampant global money printing inflating currencies around the world so yes assets will go up especially since governments and banks are pumping this printed money into assets.

Should be titled "Can the government spending and Fed printing be stopped?"

watch?v=hvcDk74cir0www..comjust make laws requireing everyone to work and that will stop inflation.........worked after the plague https:

I guess inflation is good for those who borrowed money

Inflation isn't that hard to stop and once you realize that you realize that central banks are doing on purpose

It's ridiculous and I think it was planned. I was looking at used cars the other day online and saw a 1999 Ford Explorer for 7,000 dollars. I nearly choked from laughing . Sure it had low miles but it's still a  22 year old vehicle they want 7 thousand dollars for. No new gadgets added , nothing. They've lost their minds.

We want low prices, but we dont want our products produced in China (where there is cheap labor). We want a low priced cake, from a high paid American baker, and we want to EAT IT TOO!

The government can do nothing oil is attached to everything and we use 840 million. Gal every day just in the united states. Another 80 million barrel of oil in the rest of the world and we are running OUT

Why is someone from Stellar Lumans here.. ‍️

10:44 the arrogance of this guy,  get off your phone how disrespectful to the man sitting directly behind you can you be. you know the camera is on so do you not conduct yourself with the the professional dignity your job deserves. he has disrespected the people he works with and himself.

The answer is YES. The United States once set double digit interest rates and inflation dropped. It also caused recession.