The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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They're talking about run-of-the-mill inflation driven by wage-price spirals, and saying that's how you get an inflationary spiral. In my mind, that's not the only way. We have a fiat currency and it's value is really derived from people's faith in it's value. You can print money and encourage borrowing etc, but much like stock market bubbles, there is a tipping point in there when all the feedbacks turn from negative to positive.  Normally, you hold money, it holds it's value, there's no real push to gain or spend it. If you think inflation is going to increase, it now becomes a hot potato that you want to spend as soon as you get it. You do this by buying useful assets like houses, land, food, things you need. When everyone does this it drives up the price, which would normally dampen demand, but if the expectation that money will continue losing value and the price will only increase, then the price doesn't matter anymore. Sellers can ask arbitrarily high prices. But who's going to sell into this and accept that money? Thus supply goes down at the same time demand goes up, further exacerbating the situation.  The government has been pumping new money into the economy to try and stimulate it, yet velocity stays low. Who needs to spend all that money under normal circumstances? But what happens when it all starts losing value? All that "cold" money suddenly turns hot, and the *effective* money supply suddenly increases. Meanwhile, everyone is also incentivized to borrow as much as possible to "short" the currency, further increasing the supply. But who wants to lend into this? The credit market slows, and the government steps in as "lender of last resort" again....using printed money.  Meanwhile, the massive amounts of money tied up in the stock market suddenly need a new home. I mean, who wants to hold a stock when all you can get out of it is increasingly worthless money. You paper gains are impressive, but it's only a reflection of the fact your asset is losing value, because the only value it has is denominated in dollars (rather than any kind of tangible use).  I mean it goes on and on. Wage-price spirals may be a part of 'normal' inflation but they don't really play into hyperinflation.

I think with 11 million job openings and empty shevles our economy has recovered enough. Raise the rates to stop this inflation BS.

Disastrous energy policy is the root cause of inflation

Decide if you want to BUY A NEW CAR OR USED ONE!! is LEASING better?

People like him should be prosecuted, brought to justice and let them feel what others have gone thru, they can not be left at large to scam again, wonder how many people have actually ended in hospitals, lost their lives or about to. the whales out there should look for him ..

Crypto seems hard to enforce a interest rate with.

keşke  otomatik şu altyazı olayını çökseydi

2. DOJ Garland is afraid of what might happen to himself

20% interest.....?  What a joke! The outcome was not a mystery

Far too much panel time was expended on stablecoins, which only represents 5% of cryptocurrency

This is a much different Musk than what you saw in mid April. That was 6 weeks ago.

Gov should ban crypto it is sucking liquidity ,

Thankfully I am a Muslim..and I am not allowed to invest in crypto... hence no worries...

Tesla was bubble at 60$ a share, and then 180$ a share, and then 500$ a share and now 1000$ a share. Keep it up , your analysts on screen are joke. Teslas fundamentals are far strong and have much more potential. Buying the dip is the best thing to do.