The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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China seen Russia get kicked out of swift system to cripple Russia Financially so Klaus Schwab can implement his build back better modle.. Klaus Schwab needs Russia and China to get in line so  Klaus Schwab and UN can implement global communism . You will own nothing and be happy  The EU has borrowed endlessly implementing negative interest rates and now they have destroy the pension of all of the EU.. To distract the people the EU needs a war.. History repeats itself... The Nazi went after the Jews and the Western World using same game plan is demonizing everyone who is Russian..

about 130 dollars, first time dollar cost averaging and this happens. I#39m lucky I didn#39t end up losing more money. I even had my girlfriend invested but only like 25 dollars.  its terrible what happened. Personally i#39ll continue investing in stockscrypto

The government can do nothing oil is attached to everything and we use 840 million. Gal every day just in the united states. Another 80 million barrel of oil in the rest of the world and we are running OUT

Politicians have no idea what's truly capable with crypto...

Official inflation figures are lies.  Real inflation is always more than double official Fed figures.  Anyone who goes shopping knows that.  Shrinkflation where less products for the same price is common.  Dollar store items are now $1.25, a 25% increase.  Most items people need for basic living like food, housing, heating and transportation are up and continuing higher.

Elon is a methodical thinker... He knows this is an election month and he is out to hurt dems. The economy is always tops for voters... Come on now, here's a guy that was pushing to crank out Tesla's during the pandemic at all costs.

EU countries need to decouple from China.When will these companies learn? Move manufacturing out of China. To Vietnam, Mexico or somewhere else, becuase this will keep happening. Now imagine of China invades Taiwan. How badly that ll mess up the supply chains. US

This is why LUNA amp the ENTIRE STOCK MARKET will crash like 08 (where our retirement is)brLook into it, let me know what you guys think.brbrCitadel the markets BIGGEST liquidity provider, Kenneth Griffin amp Vlad collude in emails too take the buy button away from ONLY retail  Robinhood last year in what amounts to the beginning of 08,brbr Kenneth Griffin lied under oath about these emails. brbrThen using DARK POOLS, PFOF, amp trading algorithms they are keeping up the market amp essentially controlling it with other HF brokers MM etc, too stop margin calls. They all have synthetic short shares on AMCampGME  Citadel, MM, brokers amp hedge funds Overleveraged, amp using junk ETFs that they make as collateral in order to go to the FED Jerome Powell, brbrJerome Powell prints liquidity while the markets are crashing amp inflation is rampant I#39m sure he is in on it too. brbrMeanwhile people who don#39t know what traditional investing is amp aren#39t susceptible too the usual psychological algos. The APES are still holding stocks that they shorted with synthetic naked puts amp quotCellar Boxingquot Using  quotunbeatablequot algos. using tax payer money to keep their system for robbing on life supportbrbrGary Gensler of the SEC doesn#39t care or can#39t do anything as it would just crash the market. brbr This on top of the worst presidential administration since Jimmy Carter, amp you have a recipe for the worst crash since black Friday. With some squeezes like VW in 08. brThe reason for the pump amp dumps on the regular stock markets. Blue chips trading like penny stocks.brbrCitadel amp Blackrock who just bought MASSIVE positions in LUNATERRA protocol. Right before the crash, BOOM, there is enough liquidity too postpone this crash for about 1 month maybe.... Anyway I digress 99% crash on a stable coin? Even the CEO is calling it an attack at this point. brwww.kucoin.comrafrJCXWZLwww.kucoin.comrafrJCXWZLabra.webull.comUasAJZ4THGkiOEAEYVa.webull.comUasAJZ4THGkiOEAEYVa

Michael Barry says he's not shorting "crypto", he never said bitcoin. It's a much larger market then just bitcoin.