The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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Informativ. Es ist traurig, dass viele Menschen ihr Kapital aufgrund mangelnder Berufskenntnisse oder mangelnder Disziplin verlieren. Dies war mein Fall, bis ich Herrn Jesse Standley letztes Jahr auf einer Konferenz traf, es ist nie zu spät, damit anzufangen.

I been watching their stock price collapse in my account.  Don't Lockheed have secret projects?  Stock seems fine

problem with Do Kwon is he was an arrogant nob. Always be humble in life, no matter how big or rich you get. Sure, buy lambos, private jets etc. but be humble, and open to positive criticism.

Michael Barry says he's not shorting "crypto", he never said bitcoin. It's a much larger market then just bitcoin.

If you thought Terran Luna was bad wait until Tether shits the bed. It's going to be complete and total chaos everywhere. The guys that run Tether, by far the biggest "stable" coin, are complete scumbags. They won't even allow a 3rd party audit. They audit themselves lol. Tether is backed by nothing.

Inflation is a product of labor and pay checks not spending by the Fed and business Republicans would like to increase the labor shortage by keeping the Mexican labor their donors are bring in out of the country. The shortage probably comes because people in their 60s and 70s used the pandemic to retire. And labor shortages may not mean everyone is employed, rural people who won't go to a job are not going to be employed. The last 10 or 20% of employment are people with similar problems, some failed to be motivated and reliable maybe before high school, others say I don't want to work at Walmart or Amazon, and other personal issues that lead to a life of mostly unemployment.

The problem with this Company continues to be the long term, perpetual dilution that employee owners starting with  are sucking away from impossible to know future free cash flows. Peter Thiel created this mess, and it's not by accident considering that the Company in spite of its touted products--5 Categories Changing the World--and revenue potential, they are so far away from producing any meaningful FREE CASH FLOWS that it wouldn't be able to attract or pay its employees with real cash to fill the TALL ORDERS that its Federal Government Partner requires; since they needed to cede control to this Company in order to secure the U.S. Government and Military data from their enemies. This is a GIANT employee SNOWBALL of stock freebies that is light years behind what Warren Buffett created for his shareholders based upon the opposite principal of LESS SHARES of a great thing being MORE for shareholder investors who plop their OWN hard earned money onto the table earnings. I think Thiel referred to Buffett as the Sociopathic Grandpa from Omaha. Thiel did a one up on his Lieutenant in arrogance relating to that!   was awarded 141MM options at the start of the Company's public debut which vest each quarter. He currently holds approx. 6.28MM shares that have vested to his name, none of which is his own money. And he has already sold about $500MM of stock from or near the lifetime highs of $40's down to low $20's. I suppose if you or I were compensated so egregiously like him as part of using other peoples money, we wouldn't look at our stock price either! But you can be sure that you and I would still be glancing at our stock price just like he is! That was very disingenuous and merely deflective on his part! 

If you thought Terran Luna was bad wait until Tether shits the bed. It's going to be complete and total chaos everywhere. The guys that run Tether, by far the biggest "stable" coin, are complete scumbags. They won't even allow a 3rd party audit. They audit themselves lol. Tether is backed by nothing.

Interesting that few commentators talk about the recent record growth in the money supply. For these folks its as if the price level is somehow independent of the quantity of money.

Powell 2 months ago: this inflation is going away Powell now: this inflation is here to stay.  Fire him already Im sick of these damn recessions. As a millennial life shouldnt be recession after recession

If the money crashed, where did it go? There had to be someone to benefit from it after all.