The Japanese Internet Reacts To Square Enix's Crypto Plans

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:46 PM

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Stop inflation and Joe Biden policies..IMPEACH BIDEN

since January 6 2021 not one single Republican lawmaker has been held accountable for their insurrection actions.  they will win re-election if not arrested and they will cause more chaos.  Put an end to the Trumpist Republicans

Depending on China for goods & wasting 2 trillion dollars on a war is how we got here.

everyone who's a tesla fan and got some money already spent it on tesla, it's harder now to get more rich people to buy tesla cars.


The crypto market has been favourable in the weeks, I keep missing out on this opportunity, I'm most certainly very impatient how can I ever make a profit in the crypto market.

Why is someone from Stellar Lumans here.. ‍️

THE TRAIN CANNOT BE STOPPED. you can throw band aids at cancer patients it doesn't do anything.  Get ready for the reset.

Whyyy are people comparing gas prices from LAST year during a time hardly any one was to 2019

Regulators make so much noise!   When am investment says it's stable, it's a red flag and should be looked at to make sure this is so before the bubble burst?!  Why regulators keep dropping the balls again and again?!   R they focusing regulating things that do not need to regulate and drop their balls on investments that should be regulated stringently?!

The only wages rising, from what Im seeing , are more towards low level entry level work

Instead of sending tweets that destroy the market perhaps Elon should get some sleep