What Makes a Successful Forex Trader?

Started by OZER, Jan 04, 2022, 07:42 PM

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Go Mr Gonzalez! Super excited to see that congress isn't nearly what the media has made  them out to be. However, very disappointed in my two female reps from Michigan. Very embarrassing. They will only be forgotten because Mr. Sherman was even more ignorant

A bunch of dirty corrupt politicians

For trhe love of god!  Dont put all your money in one basket!  Also if your being guaranteed 20 percent return.  ITS A PONZI SCHEME!

The funny thing is UST had the same exact architecture as the failed TitanIron Finance which Cuban lost so much money on. I#39ve been warning folks for months that the same would happen to Luna, but nobody wants to hear that their investment is doomed to fail, that the doom is coded in.

That's the bad juju I was talking about.

Yes inflation can be stopped at anytime but biden''s just busy his his covid game. In all his political life, he rarely or didn't talk about his economy viewpoints but criticized only. He got elected because people wanted to get rid of trump's racism in the WH.

A country has thousands of different groups fighting for different interests and finding solutions are much more difficult especially in a divided country like America.

his money won#39t buy him enough security

That what happens when you print 2 trillion $ out of thin air.

1:18:00 its quite simple. Cryptos backed by US fiat is stupid and counter intuitive of the concept crypto.  Fiat is backed by trust, fiat is continuously depreciating and losing its buying power, USD backed stablecoins = USD backed stable coins being highly unreliable.

The giant Ponzi scheme is finally starting to collapse.

I would love to have a few beers with that guy! Trippy stuff, indeed.

if the mask is below the nose .. it does nothing,,

Chart at 2:10 is just wrong *scales*