#NVDA $NVDA consolidation, looking to rip shortly

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:58 PM

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You get a rug! And you get a rug! Everyone gets a rug!

why haven't wages risen in line with inflation if it has risen by more than 2% a year for decades?

legal reasons'  He is going to blame the economy and use that as the AXE to slice these employees.Its because 10%+ don't want to show up in office for work.  So instead of firing them so they can sue for 'health

Maybe Musk shouldn't have tried to buy twitter.

So why is Bitcoin worh so much? Because they aren't making anymote of it unlike crooked banks and govts

If the general public coast to coast are not waking up and take actions that benefits their country, then undisputable praise should be given for the FED. Naturally if we are not learning from  the ignorance we create by ourselves to begin with, then blaming the actors of manipulation and corruption is not helpful.

what do you expect from a country with Big Consumption but without Manufacturing? but lets face it, with US$ 7.25 minimum wage, you just cant manufactured daily necessities here...


In simple words : inflation form when you eat more than your earnings.

I see 2 things...blue collar workers that still only make $8-12 an hour and those that have TOO MUCH. I live in a rich State in which people are poor. The richer the state, the poorer its people. Our minimum wage is still $7.25 and business owners use this as an excuse to pay $9...because "it's $2 above minimum wage, what else do you want!?" While our local economy is booming, the average shmo is severely underpaid, giving the fact that it's Californians with BIG money moving here and severely f**king up the economic balance. If we had less rich and overpaid business owners, we wouldn't have inflation, because nobody could afford inflation. The government sees (and tracks income and profits of the general public) how many new above-average A**holes have a pulse within U.S. borders, and fake -->accidental inflation<-- on purpose, making it seem like it's some alien entity causing the effect. It's a clever scam, a theatrical play if you will, to create a continuous larger divide. It is being done on purpose ....  there are no run-away accidents.

I have lost more than I should with algorithm stablecoins , for me, it´s a tech that is dead. Stablecoins are not a bad idea, but uniformly they have to be pegged.

You need a degree in technology, business and an understanding someone when listening to this guy

If you thought Terran Luna was bad wait until Tether shits the bed. It's going to be complete and total chaos everywhere. The guys that run Tether, by far the biggest "stable" coin, are complete scumbags. They won't even allow a 3rd party audit. They audit themselves lol. Tether is backed by nothing.

Lol it not a bubble when people are all in the game instead of just the wall street guy BUT IT WALL STREET BETS   DOGECOIN AND CROCOIN