#NVDA $NVDA consolidation, looking to rip shortly

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:58 PM

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I sold my Luna a month before the crash , Ukraine war made me shift my assets into more stable assets like Bitcoin, used, and s and p 500 stock and several commodity companies

When fed stimulates or better to say overstimulates the economy it basically brings "future spending and investments" to "today". When FED starts to slow down the economy it moves "today's" spending and investments to "future" and moves "focus" to optimizations and cost cutting. There is no free lunch but as always when FED serves lunch, top 5% had really great lunch, while 95% will pay the bill.

This is funny, the people who use the term quotC o N s P i R a C yquot are losing daily, something I have learned from seeking TRUTH, regardless of my own personally feelings about it that the people who use that term tend to almost always be aware that it is not or completely unaware of how the real world works and instead buy in to the matrix version of reality.. this is the time people make their riches.

Sounds like the conversation is becoming more positive, but man is Juan Vargas lost. The use of fiat currency far outpaces the use of digital assets to perform drug trafficking so what on earth is he talking about

Uninspired CIA loser who is the product of Jewish nepotism. I don't care what   has to say.

Civil Contempt For Trump, But Trump Has Not Been Indicted

Inflation cannot be stopped unless the Dollar goes back to the gold standard or some other form of backing by real value asset and capped currency supply.   JFK was killed for trying to do just that.