#NVDA $NVDA consolidation, looking to rip shortly

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:58 PM

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Every investment have a risk, no matter if it is Treasure bonds, tesla stocks , crypto or even a hot dog car to put on some corner. This people that just put on all of their live savings, and retirement funds...just get amazed with the reflection of the moon on the river, so they drop the piece of bread .

US Government needs to look into CZ from Binance for fraud

Getting fuel prices back down would help tremendously to lower inflation on goods that are trucked around the country. Dealing with port congestion would also have a tremendous impact. The biggest cause of inflation, however, is the fact that the Fed added 35.7% to the USA money supply in just a year and a half. When you dilute the dollar by that much how can you NOT have inflation? That was a huge gift to Wall Street investors, of course, including our politicians in both parties. (Just look at the growth in the S&P 500 since that money printing started.) But for everyone else it means that their wages and their savings now have less buying power. Our government no longer represents we the people - neither party. Instead they represent the billionaires and corporations who fund their campaigns. This includes the wolves in sheep's clothing who feign outrage against the corporations and the rich. All you have to do is follow the money.

Absolutely nothing mentioned about the monetary supply.  Not a single peep.    I guess all those economists who used to teach that inflation is "Too many dollars chasing too few goods" no longer exists..  Monetarism is closely associated with economist Milton Friedman, who argued, based on the quantity theory of money, that the government should keep the money supply fairly steady, expanding it slightly each year to allow for the natural growth of the economy.  Monetarists argue that if the Money Supply rises faster than the rate of growth of national income, then there will be inflation.   I guess when the 1970's inflation rate returns in 2020's, monetarism will be in favor again.

UCNUlCcSPe2fBxT2X96y2-sAchannelwww.thread.comWhat a twist                https:

commerce educated) opinion, the most bubbly thing right now? S&P 500.OK I hate how their definition of a bubble is super unclear. Tulips were also a "thing", like lumber, and in 1600s Netherlands that was the DEFINITION of a bubble. So I'm going to take a stab at this definition f, bubbles exist on a scale. In my (not economically- Supply chain causing shortage is not a bubble, because demand has not gone up due to speculation. Seriously, who's going to speculate on lumber? Maybe a few individuals, but speculation itself is difficult to do, and everyone believed prices will come down. Housing right now is more of a bubble, because demand has gone up due to the pandemic, it's drawing investors, and creating a cycle of inflating prices. But Odyssey guy is right, there is a supply issue too. Prices going us is not a bubble, speculation and investors over-stretching due to FOMO creates a bubble. It's also not a boolean t

Elon Musk has a 'super bad feeling' How scientific of him. Also what a pedo-guy to lay off this many people over a feeling. Funny how this was announced same day Amber Heard lost in court to a tune of Ten million. #most expensive threesome ever.

Elon musk is fast becoming the villain of this story. knew the guy would go mad with power. after all he's Apartheid Elon.

employer operations at the  expense of the domestic labor market.big money over workers so  Fed data on labor is seriously flawed and optimize
 investorinvestors getting tax breaks and repressing wages in the labor market... Feds mostly provide credit  for big money investors  not for wage earners.
 The Feds uses  an adversarial model to pit  labor vs employer investor ... the Feds always favor employersInflation was driven by big money

Musk is still hiring, all the while taking out the trash.  When you hire a lot of people, you're bound to get some losers you need to get rid of eventually.   I thought there'd be way more than 10% losers working there though :)  They are still making cars and there is still a 10 month waiting list to get a new one.

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