Bitcoin Bullish

Started by OZER, Jan 02, 2022, 05:54 PM

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brbecause, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.


Broken capitalism.  Solution,  need to start over.  Burn the FIRE sector. Vote for a change    (pun) demand democracy  banks produce  nothing,  zero,  just profits  DNC = RNC = the 1%  =  Wall street not the 99%  remember the 1970s ?  what it took to get change a revolution,  yeah

Why binance help him?

Given what we know now, the Supreme Court and DOJ are somewhat compromised by a few!

No, it cannot. The US is completely addicted to inflation. Inflation is simply an expansion of the money supply, not the CPI or whatever nonsense the silly government says it is. Is the US government going to stop expanding the money supply? Never. It's literally impossible.

They keep printing money so that the inflation will skyrocket. That is the best tax to common people.

Just another slick willie.   How can you compare druga that make a drug company rich to this stuff?

Love 's s, learning so much about US

The more I watch these short s I get this notion there pushing a narrative to make people just do as they want. Instead we must think outside of the box as too avoid group think

Tesla bubble would be still overvalued at 25% of current price and never seem to pop ,same with GME it's still 1000% of what worth. don't think these bubbles will pop ,only deflate very ,very slowly and shorts will make fortune with patience

Ridiculous from top to bottom. Sounded 100% like a scam from the very start. The R.O.I was looney tunes levels. Higher than what Bernie Madoff even promised. Hell the whole idea of stable coins is just a giant scam. They all depend on a LP (liquidity pool) which is never going to be enough to handle a full blown run and that#39s if the devs are stealing from it which is like well always because that#39s basically the whole point of Crypto at this stage otherwise they#39d just use more traditional fiat methods. Classic Ponzi. As long as things stay somewhat stable they can keep paying out while new suckers keep coming in but if anything happens to shake that up the whole thing collapses. It#39s hard to feel bad for people that fall for this stuff. So many red flags that only a true fool could fall for it. Even if you only had a basic level of financial literacy and just common sense you would know this was off. It#39s ignorance and desperation driving these quotinvestorsquot. Shoot even if you didn#39t think it was a scam at least start small. WTH are people investing their whole live savings? I mean at a certain point you gotta lay in that bed you made.

IT'S AN UNFORTUNATE REALITY, BUT THAT'S WHAT WE DO AS INVESTORS. Couldn't have been said any better. You just have to listen.

Tesla and btc worst investment if you jump on now Apple and Microsoft better they hold there growth and mean something

 not have any significant consequences to inflation, deposit rates do. There is a simple connection between them,  interest rates always have to be higher than deposit rates. So what they actually want to say is: FED should increase deposit rates, which would also lead to an increase in interest rates. (they probably does not know it, they only heard somewhere that interest rates are good against inflation and now they are repeating it like idiots)  2. Deposit rates are yields that commercial banks get out of money they put into FED deposit.